Cédric AURIOL, Agronutris
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Anne DEGUERRY, AFFIA (Asian Food & Feed Insects Association)
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Jean-Philippe DESLYS, CEA
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Alain DOYEN, Université de Laval, Québec
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Antoine HUBERT, IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food & Feed)
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Philippe LE GALL, IRD (French Institute of Research for Development)
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Frédéric MARION-POLL, AgroParisTech
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Samir MEZDOUR, AgroParisTech
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Christina NIELSEN-LEROUX, INRA (French National Institute for Agronomic Research)
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Maelenn POITRENAUD, SEDE Environnement
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Philippe LE GALL, IRD (French Institute of Research for Development)
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Samir MEZDOUR, AgroParisTech
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Anne DEGUERRY, AFFIA (Asian Food & Feed Insects Association)
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Christophe DERRIEN, IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed)
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Jean-Philippe DESLYS, CEA
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Marcel DICKE, UWR University Wageningen, The Netherlands
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Alain DOYEN, Université de Laval, Québec
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Keith DRIVER, NACIA (North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture)
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Romy GADISSEUR, CHU Liège, Belgium
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Antoine HUBERT, IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food & Feed)
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Heinrich KATZ, Hermetia
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Kirsten KATZ, Hermetia
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Lars-Henrik LAU HECKMANN, DTI, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
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Patricia LE CADRE, Céréopa
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Philippe LE GALL, IRD (French Institute of Research for Development)
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Antoine LECOCQ, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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Louis LESUR, Le Gouessant
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Claire LHOUTELLIER-KASPRIK, SEDE Environnement, Veolia
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Camille LOUPIAC, AgroSup Dijon-Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, collaboration AgroParisTech
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Marc-Antoine LURASCHI, Cycle Farms, Ghana
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Frédéric MARION-POLL, AgroParisTech
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Samir MEZDOUR, AgroParisTech
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Houcine MHEMDI, ESCOM Chimie, Collaboration AgroParisTech
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Fogoh-John MUAFOR, Living Forest Trust, Cameroon
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Christina NIELSEN-LEROUX, INRA (French National Institute for Agronomic Research)
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Dominique PARENT MASSIN, Agricultural Academy and French Toxicology Society
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Chloé PHAN VAN PHI, InnovaFeed
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Maelenn POITRENAUD, SEDE Environnement
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Nicolas POLLET, EGCE (Evolution Genomes Comportement Ecologie), CNRS
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Christian RABIN, Dalkia
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Hédi ROMDHANA, AgroParisTech
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Raphaël SMIA, Agronutris
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Paola TEULIÈRES, Tomojo
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Christophe TRESPEUCH, Mutatec
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Daylan Amelia TZOMPA SOSA, Ghent University, Food technology and Engineering
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Sylvio is the Scientific programs coordinator at Adebiotech, the Paris-based transdisciplinary biotechnology independent think tank. Starting with an academic background in cellular immunology, he gained confirmed >20 years experience in Bioproduction and Purification of therapeutic proteins (and gene therapy vectors). He acquired strong technical and strategic business development experience in various scientific domains (chromatography, cell culture, molecular biology, high-end instrumentation, proteomics, analytical services) through management positions at PALL Life Sciences, Ciphergen Biosystems, Life Technologies, Merck/VWR, BioSepra/Sepracor Inc
Before joining Adebiotech he acted as a strategy consultant for international biotech organizations . Sylvio is a multicultural person and has been a frequent speaker and moderator at various academic and industrial BioProcessing related conferences worldwide.
Nicolas Césard was awarded his PhD by the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in 2009, he is an anthropologist and an ethnobiologist.
A senior lecturer in ethnoentomology at the National Museum of Natural History since 2016, he is a charter member of the ecological anthropology and ethnobiology research laboratory (CNRS-MNHN), where he studies interactions between man and insect (or ethnoentomology) within different cultural contexts. This research focusses more particularly on the management of natural resources, trading networks and the implications, whether economic or social, of the exploitation of these resources over time. For his research he regularly spends time in Indonesia and Japan.
Ethic, Marketing & Communication Director
- Postgraduate diploma in European Law (Lyon - France)
- Master’s degree in Commercial Law (Lyon - France)
- Master’s degree in Management I.A.E. (Lyon - France)
Professional achievements
- Anne has a strong experience as entrepreneur in various fields of activity: law, marketing, art, and design development, along with social and environmental impact volunteering.
- In 2001, she created and managed her own law firm in Madagascar.
- She joined Entofood in 2014 to be in charge of Ethic, Marketing and Communication of the company
- She has been elected as General Secretary of ASEAN FOOD & FEED INSECTS ASSOCIATION (AFFIA) in November 2016.
Jean-Philippe Deslys, né le 16/04/1960, est MD (1985), PhD (1993), titulaire d’une HDR depuis 1998, directeur de recherche au CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) depuis 2003 et chef de service (SEPIA - Service d’Etude des Prions et des Infections Atypiques), responsable du laboratoire associé au Centre National de Référence de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, président de l’association scientifique internationale NeuroPrion. Il préside par ailleurs depuis 2015 le comité scientifique de Sup’Biotech (école d’ingénieurs en biotechnologies).
Spécialiste des maladies à prions, il est auteur ou co-auteur de plus de cent dix publications dans des revues scientifiques internationales, portant sur les principaux aspects appliqués de ce domaine de recherche (diagnostic des maladies à prions, techniques de décontamination, évaluation du risque, approches thérapeutiques dans différents modèles expérimentaux) ainsi que sur les mécanismes sous-tendant ces pathologies. Ses activités ont donné lieu au dépôt de plusieurs brevets CEA dont celui sous-tendant le test prion développé au CEA qui a été le plus vendu au niveau mondial suite aux crises liées à l’encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine (maladie dite de la « vache folle »). Dans le cadre de sa stratégie de sécurisation passive vis-à-vis des prions, le SEPIA a développé des approches innovantes de décontamination de matières premières animales dont certaines sont d’ores et déjà protégées par des brevets. La valorisation de ces travaux l’amène aujourd’hui dans une perspective plus large de recyclage zéro déchet de matières premières végétales et animales peu valorisées tout en garantissant la sécurité sanitaire. En effet, des mécanismes de type prion sont désormais admis comme sous-tendant la plupart des maladies neurodégénératives, notamment la maladie d’Alzheimer, et des facteurs environnementaux sont de plus en plus soupçonnés. Le SEPIA a donc décidé d’utiliser son savoir-faire pour proposer des solutions opérationnelles garantissant une sécurisation de nouvelles techniques de recyclages qui peuvent être développées grâce aux biotechnologies dans des approches Low Tech en vue de leur future rentabilité économique. Il a participé notamment au projet ANR DESIRABLE sur le volet sécurité sanitaire des co-produits animaux utilisables dans l’alimentation d’insectes (hermetia illucens).
Marcel Dicke investigates the ecology of insect-plant interactions. During his PhD project (1980s) he made the breakthrough discovery that plants respond to herbivory with the production of a complex odour blend that attracts the enemies of the herbivores that inflicted the damage (coined plants cry for help). This has resulted in a paradigm shift in the research field of plant-animal interactions (covering animals ranging from tiny mites to birds) and has resulted in a new research field on multitrophic interactions and community ecology. In the past 10 years his research has been instrumental in the integration of community ecology (Science 2008, Plos Biology 2012) with analytical chemistry and molecular biology (Science 2005, PNAS 2008, 2009, 2011, Nature Chemical Biology 2009, Plos Biology 2012). This integration is at the basis of an extensive form of systems biology, i.e. from genes to communities (Science 2004, Trends in Plant Science 2011, Annual Review of Plant Biology 2014).
After completing his Ph. D. and a postdoctoral fellowship in Food sciences at Laval University located in Quebec city, Canada, Alain Doyen worked as a project manager and then research and development director at the Quebec Agrifood innovation Center located close to Quebec city. In 2014, Alain Doyen obtained a position of professor in the Department of Food Science at Laval University. His research program is focused on the extraction, purification and enzymatic hydrolysis of food components, specifically, proteins and peptides, by conventional as well as innovative food processing such as pressure-driven membrane processes and hydrostatic and dynamic pressurization technologies. He works on a wide range of food sources such as milk and dairy products, eggs, micro- and macroalgae as well as edible insects.
From 2014, Alain Doyen supervised and co-supervised 3 post-doctoral fellows, 9 Ph. D. students, 25 M. Sc. students and 24 undergraduate students and published 44 peer-reviewed articles. Alain Doyen is a member of the Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), the Dairy Science and Technology Research Centre (STELA) and the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD).
Mr. Antoine Hubert is Chairman, CEO and co-founder of YNSECT and also President & co-founder of the International Platform of Insects for Food & Food (IPIFF).
Antoine Hubert was previously senior scientist at TOTAL and ALTRAN where he managed R&D programs on Sustainable Development applied on bioresources, soil remediation, waste-to-energy and recycled resources. He also launched in 2007 and led the non-profit organization WORGAMIC, dealing with food sustainability, promoting urban agriculture and organic waste recycling within cities, and in 2011 the company ORGANEO operating on biowaste management.
He is also Board Member of Vitagora Competitiveness cluster and AgroCampus West school in France. He has a background in agronomy and life sciences from AgroCampus Rennes and AgroParisTech Engineering schools.
Esther Katz, PhD, is a French anthropologist, senior scientist at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD). She is a member of the joint research unit PALOC “Local Heritage and Governance” IRD/MNHN, based at the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) in Paris. She is the co-coordinator of the line of research “biological and cultural diversity”. She is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Anthropology of Food. She has been acting as an expert at the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). Her main research topics deal with anthropology of food, ethnobiology, ethnoclimatology and cultural identity. She has been doing fieldwork in Mexico since 1983 and in Brazil since 2007. She has also carried out fieldworks in the Congo and Indonesia and, on short periods, in Central and South America, Laos and Europe. She has been interested in entomophagy since her first fieldwork in Mexico. She is presently involved in projects on food heritage, edible insects, agrobiodiversity and climate change in Latin America. She is the co-editor of 2 journal special issues and 3 books. She has published 106 articles and book chapters, presented 108 papers in national and international conferences. She has co-organized 3 international conferences as well as 7 sessions in international meetings. She has published 2 articles, 2 book chapters and a book introduction on insect consumption.
Danielle Lando est titulaire d'un doctorat d'état obtenu à l'Institut Pasteur de Paris pour la recherche en virologie. Elle a effectué sa carrière dans l'industrie pharmaceutique où elle a exercé des fonctions de chercheur en pharmacologie cellulaire et moléculaire avant de prendre la responsabilité des biotechnologies au sein de Roussel Uclaf devenu Sanofi. Elle a œuvré pour des rapprochements entre son entreprise et le secteur académique en soutenant des projets collaboratifs. Elle a été membre nommé au Comité National du CNRS de 1995 à 2000.
Depuis 2001, elle exerce des activités scientifiques bénévoles au sein d'Adebiotech, association dont elle est actuellement Vice-Présidente.
Lars is Head of Section for Insect and Protein Technology at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). He has a strong academic background in biology and holds a PhD from University of Reading (2007) and a MSc from Aarhus University (2003). He has extensive R&D experience based on participation in and coordination of numerous national and international projects. Through employment in the biotechnology industry (2010-2014), Lars has acquired detailed business understanding as well as practical experience in regulatory affairs. Since 2014, he has been the main driver of building an innovation chain at DTI focusing on insects as feed and food; with the current portfolio covering commercial activities and several R&D projects on insect production and development of insect-based products for feed and food. Lars is recognized as an expert and leader in the insect industry and has been active in IPIFF since 2016, where he has been part of the Novel Food Task Force and since 2018 been member of the Executive Committee with special focus on Research Activities.
Philippe Le Gall is a scientist at the "Institut de Recherche pour le Développement". He is posted at Gif sur Yvette (France) in the UMR IRD 247 "Evolution, Génomes, Comportement et Ecologie". His main interests concern the study of Insects/plant relationships, ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, Taxonomy of Scarabaeoidea beetles and development of the production of edible insects. He principally worked in Côte d'Ivoire, Republic of Congo, Bénin, Cameroon and Gabon. He is an expert in Biodiversity description, especially for impact studies. He published more than 100 papers a third of them in indexed International Journals and 10 book chapters. He was a scientific advisor of 4 documentary movies. He is a member of different entomological association and today the 2nd vice-chairman of the Société Entomologique de France, the honorary chairman of Living Forest Trust and a member of the permanent secretary of the Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Entomologie. His Royal Highnes Sentieh II Fon of the Oku peoples in Cameroon honoured him as Fai Ntum Oku.
Frédéric Marion-Poll is a Professor at AgroParisTech and a researcher with the CNRS (Evolution, Genomes and Speciation laboratory), where he studies the sensorial control, especially gustative, of food intake by insects, with behavioural and electrophysiological approaches. He teaches crops protection from insects, within the context of chemical ecology, and he has initiated a teaching course in neurobiology at AgroParisTech. Before joining the CNRS, he conducted research on the significance of olfaction and gustation in plant-insect interactions at the INRA in Bures-sur-Yvette and Versailles. He also took two year-long sabbaticals in the USA (University of Arizona, Tucson) and in Australia (Australian National University, Canberra). Within the framework of INSECTINOV he is particularly interested in sensorial factors that condition and restrict acceptance and intake of new feeds by insects, and in how domestication may trigger changes in insect nutritional and reproductive behaviour.
Samir Mezdour obtained his PhD in Industrial Processes Engineering from the Compiègne University of Technology (UTC). He began his career in the agri-food industry where he worked as an R&D engineer (Laiteries TRIBALLAT) and as a quality engineer (HERTA). Within the framework of the STRIDE programme dealing with research and the development of technological innovation, he has conducted counselling assignments with agri-food SMEs in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais district. He has designed and developed for the Ingredia company a fractioning process of caseins in order to extract the alpha-s1 bovine casein, aiming at the preparation of a biological activity hydrolysate (anxiolytic peptides deriving from bovine alpha-s1 casein, developed under the name of Lactium), from pilot stage to industrial scale. This project led him to work for one year in Québec’s Research Centre in Milk Science and Technology (STELA) as a guest researcher.
Samir Mezdour has also worked as a lecturer-researcher at the Superior Institute of Agriculture in Lille (ISA), a research fellow at the Faculté Agronomique de Gembloux and a senior lecturer at the University of Valenciennes. At AgroParisTech he is conducting research within the UMR 1145 dealing with “Feeds Processes Engineering”, especially within the team focussing on “Structuring of products by the Process” (SP2) and working along three lines: (1) interfacial properties of biopolymers, (2) effects of thermomechanical treatments on the structuring of food materials, (3) extraction and characterization of proteins.
Damien Morel is a graduate entomologist from the university of Tours in France. His career started at the Insect Biology Research Institute (IRBI). Subsequently, he became a research engineer at Koppert BV, the worldwide market leader in biological pest control in horticulture. In Mexico and The Netherlands he worked on a project focussed on mass reproduction of beneficial insects. Damien is co-author of scientific publications and he has applied for a patent.
He started APPI, a Koppert daughter company in 2013. APPI develops and markets biological pest control solutions and insect feed solutions for animals. APPI's biological pest control and insect feed products are now being sold in various countries in Europe.
Damien has a passion for nature and solutions that contribute to a healthier planet. He is product manager for the European Breeding & Livestock markets at Koppert BV and manages APPI's day to day operations.
FOGOH John MUAFOR is a holder of an Engineering Diploma in sustainable Forest and Wildlife Management from the University of Dschang in Cameroon. He is equally a holder of a Certificate of Research Capacity from Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) in Paris, France. He is a senior staff at the Cameroon Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF), independent researcher and Co-founder of the Living Forest Trust (LIFT) Enterprise. He has largely contributed in research and the valorization of insects for human nutrition and poverty reduction in Cameroon. After conducting a number of studies on the socioeconomic potentials of forest insects, he invented in 2015, a technique that is currently being used to farm palm weevil grubs in Cameroon. As the Managing Director of LIFT Enterprise, he is specializing the company on insect production and processing into high quality snacks and animal feeds.
Christina Nielsen-LeRoux is an engineer of agronomy (Denmark). She got a PhD at Pasteur Institute/Université Paris 6 in entomology-microbiology in 1994. She held a position at Pasteur Paris until 2006 after what she integrated INRA DR2 in 2007. Her research at Pasteur Institute was dealing with the mode of action and mechanisms of resistance of bacterial toxins used for bio-control of mosquito larvae. At INRA, MICALIS Institute (Jouy en Josas) her research is focusing on the identification and function of virulence and adaptation factors of Bacillus cereus (Bc) and Bacilllus thuringiensis (Bt) (bio-insecticide). At present the major objectives concern the understanding of pathogenesis of Bc & Bt in the insect model Galleria mellonella, with focus on expression and roles of factors interacting with the host by desiccating the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogen-host interplay notably in the insect gut. Thus insect pathology and particularly bacterial pathogens are the main lines. She is member of the international “Society for Invertebrate pathology (SIP)”of which she co-organized the annual conference held in Tours in 2016. Her implication in the field “ insect for food and feed” is basically concerned with insect health (eg. a small project funded by the INRA-CIRAD Glofoods programme); but also questions related to microbial risk and contamination of insect based products or microbial-insect biotech aspects are in her domain of interest.
After graduating as an agronomist at Bordeaux Sciences Agro Engineering School, Eva Pampouille obtained her PhD in Animal Sciences at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research). During her PhD project, she worked on meat quality issues in poultry and tried to found out the etiology of breast muscle defects using high-throughput analyses (genetics and genomics) and histological studies. Currently, she is in charge of R&D projects in poultry nutrition at ITAVI (French Poultry Technical Institute) and works on the association between raw materials, feed efficiency and health.
Professor Dominique Parent Massin was professor in food toxicology at Brest University until 2016. She was in charge of courses in food toxicology, biotechnology, biochemistry and metabolism, human nutrition, general toxicology, cellular and molecular toxicology and chair of the Master of Food toxicology from 2008-2016. She has been in charge also of courses in food toxicology in Lebanon (1997-2007), Vietnam (2008), Tunisia (2008), West Africa.
Pr D Parent Massin founded and was the head of the laboratory of Food and Cellular Toxicology from 1992 to 2012 at her university. Her research activities were more specifically in hematotoxicity and myelotoxicity of food contaminants and drugs.
Pr D Parent Massin has been involved in expertise since 1993, first in France, in food additives, biotechnology, and pesticides, at CSHPF and from 2001 at the French Agency of food Safety (Afssa) as chair of food additives and processing aid Panel during two mandates. From 1999, she was involved as expert in European committee, SCF until 2003, and Efsa from 20003 to 2018 in Additives and Nutrient Sources Panel, and several working groups on mycotoxins and food additives.
Pr D Parent Massin was chair of the French Society of Toxicology, she is member of the French Academy of Agriculture, where she is currently involved in the board, as Vice-secretary.
Maelenn Poitrenaud was trained as a hydrogeological engineer by the École Nationale Supérieure of Geology in Nancy.
After having spent 15 years working for the research department of the Veolia company (VeRI), Maelenn Poitrenaud joined the SEDE teams in mid-2014 as the manager of Innovation and Development where she supervises a small team of engineers.
In the course of working for VeRI, Maelenn Poitrenaud has held the position of research engineer in ground depollution and composting, before becoming manager of the “Biological Treatments and Agronomic Valorisation” team, which she remained for almost 10 years. From 2009 on she has overseen the research projects portfolio in the fields of Bio resources and then of Waste Valorisation.
She is involved in inter-branch organisations dealing with agronomic valorisation and has been successively – and still is – an active member of several organisations at national-level (FNADE) and European level (FEAD, EUREAU). She also leads work groups at the AFNOR on compost valorisation.
In addition she is in charge of coordinating collaboration between Veolia and the FNSEA.
Veterinarian graduated from National Veterinary School of Toulouse in 2001, Christophe TRESPEUCH, 41 years-old, has a significant experience in animal Health and vaccines industry. In charge of leading business development projects in European Union and Eastern Europe (France, UK, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Ukraine,…) as well as in Asia (China, Philippines…), Christophe has a deep knowledge about biotechnologies, international animal productions development, especially in poultry and pigs industry.
Mindful of ecological transition stakes, Christophe has completed the Executive Master of Sciences “Innovations and Policies for Sustainable Food” delivered by the National Institute of Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences Montpellier SupAgro. Christophe rather focused on projects improving sustainable animal production and food. Acting for a more responsible agriculture, improving food quality and safety as well as minimizing environmental impact are its professional priorities and commitments.
Entrepreneur and Managing Partner at MUTATEC - company dedicated to insect production for animal nutrition - he is particularly in charge of relations with products users and clients, technical aspects related to animal nutrition applications as well as relationships with investors.